Naked Leadership: Going beyond conversations about diversity to true action and inclusivity
Adi Redzic
CEO, Leadership and Executive Coach at Think Change
According to the Harvard Business Review, only 36% of diversity and inclusion leaders report effectiveness in building a diverse workforce in their organization, and 80% consider themselves ineffective in facilitating a diverse and inclusive leadership team. In real terms, black men have barely gained ground in corporate management since 1985 (.3%) and the percentage of white women managers hasn’t budged since 2000.
This happens for two reasons:
1) Most CEOs delegate responsibility for diversity, inclusion, and overall company culture to others who often don’t have the tools or real authority to implement meaningful change;
2) While CEOs are increasingly committing to the values of D&I, and wish to see results, many stop at well-meaning statements or dated practices such as diversity trainings, hiring tests, performance ratings, and grievance systems—all of which have been proven by 1000’s of studies to be largely ineffective. Yet, nearly half of midsize businesses and almost all Fortune 500 use them as “gold standard.”
This has led to the “diversity fatigue”— too much talking and caring, but few results. Caring without action isn’t caring and CEOs and their C-Suite cannot and should not delegate D&I away.
In this workshop, you will learn which D&I responsibilities a CEO should never delegate. You will also learn how exactly you can facilitate inclusion by turning it into a function of your personal leadership.
You will understand the neuroscience behind change, which will enable you to handle diversity conversations within the team in a new way. These techniques will make you consider switching from top-down control methods to invisibile guiding and mentoring of new emerging leaders. You will learn about the qualitative and quantitative indicators to measure D&I success, attract highly competent diverse employees, and build trusting and empowering teams. This workshop will take you from talk to action.