A CEO guide: how to put inclusion into a company's operations
Frances West
Founder & Advisor at FrancesWestCo, Author of Authentic Inclusion™ Drives Disruptive Innovation
Julie Hall
CEO and Founder of Communitas Global
The global impact of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter has created enormous challenges and opportunities for global enterprise and startup CEO, C-Suite executives. There is increasing demand from customers, and the public to establish a new sense of social justice. Employees representing a diversity of color, gender, ethnicity, age, and ability are all asking for more equality and transparency, while at the same time investors are keeping a close eye on the balance sheets.
In this confluence of competing demands, every CEO, C-Suite executives needs to develop a new “human-first” vision and involve all lines of business and corporate functions: Human Resources, Marketing, IT, Legal, Communication, and others in addressing these new challenges and operationalizing inclusion.
In this workshop, Frances West of FrancesWestCo and Julie Hall of CommunitasGlobal will:
Examine what new inclusion perspective CEO, C-Suite executives will need to develop
Discuss how transformational blueprints such as Authentic Inclusion™ In Action and Return on Responsibility™ can help align profit with principle and purpose
Share use cases about how to lead in the post-Covid-19, “human-first” world by addressing issues such as unconscious bias and accessibility